Declare Your Art Space as a Sanctuary * indicates required Email Address * First Name * Last Name * Organization * City, State * Website * What Sanctuary Can Your Art Space Provide? Provide a safe space where people won’t be mistreated because of their race, gender, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, sexual orientation, religious faith, political or scientific views. Make a public statement regarding their commitment to protect information on immigration status of all members, staff, artists and visitors. Agree to not allow federal immigration authorities in to search the premises without court-issued warrants specific to those premises. This is legal and in line with the declarations of many sanctuary campuses and sanctuary cities. Due process is an important aspect of the judiciary that needs to be upheld. Disseminate information and provide programming and resources helpful to undocumented and other vulnerable populations. Offer temporary refuge in case of hate crimes, raids, and so on. Petition State and Federal officials to support legislation and policy that protect the civil liberties and the right to remain of non-citizens living in the United States, such as the BRIDGE Act.